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Diploma Programme
The Professional Diploma programme is being offered as a modular programme over two years. There are 9 modules (comprising a Foundation Module followed by Modules 1-8) of  2 or 3 days duration approximately every 3 months. These are usually held on weekends.
Because of its modular nature, the Irish College of Scenar (ICS) has the flexibility to also run  this programme as 6 modules of 3 days duration, over the two years.

A credit will be given for appropriate medical or complementary experience.

All courses are run throughout the year. Please contact the Irish College of Scenar for the next start date of your intended Scenar Training Programme.

Scenar Training Programmes can also be organised in your home country if demand is sufficient.





 Irish College of Scenar Diploma in Scenar Therapy

This Diploma in Scenar Therapy aims to equip students with the appropriate knowledge and personal skills to enable them to contribute effectively to the management of holistic healthcare through planning and attainment of goals and objectives.

Is this for me?

The programme is of interest both to those who are interested in having a role in the holistic health sector, who wish to develop their therapeutic skills in the healthcare context.


Delivery and Duration

This professional course is delivered over two academic years.

The programme is delivered through a combination of distance learning, attendance at short workshops and action learning. Students receive comprehensive course material and associated reading lists as part of a distance learning pack. The distance learning materials are designed to reinforce information received at the workshop modules and also contains core aspects of the training course that may   not have been covered on the workshop modules. The workshop modules help develop specific therapeutic skills, and also allow inputs from practitioners and healthcare experts. The action learning helps students apply this knowledge and skills in their own environment.

Workshop Modules are delivered by the Irish College of Scenar (ICS) in association with, and under contract to, the Scenar Practitioners Society of Ireland (SPSI) .





Next Professional Scenar Diploma Course:



New course starting


Autumn 2017






Introduction & Foundation course


In conjunction with it's course provider the Irish College of Scenar (ICS)


Saturday 2 September 2017


This one day course gives a basic understanding of the Scenar device and of Scenar therapy as well as details of the full professional courses available



See also Web site of Scenar Practitioner Society of Ireland (SPSI ) www.scenartherapyireland.com        for recent events, courses or other activities, which might be held in connection with the ICS.

Course Content:


The programme is delivered over 8 modules:

The complete course, content, homework and workshop modules are designed to be relevant and practical and cover core areas of

therapeutic competency including:

  • Becoming a therapist

  • Influencing people and their health complaints

  • Assuring high standards

  • Planning and managing resources

  • Accreditation


Graduates from this diploma course will be eligible to apply to the SPSI for registration as RSPSI.



There are four elements of assessment for this programme.

An written assignment after the end of each module to help decide eligibility to the next module.

Continuous assessment through discussion, class presentations and behaviour during each module.

Independent psychological evaluation at end of year one and at course completion.

Final assessments at the end of Year Two


Fee, Enrolment Procedures and Admissions

The fee is €3200 per person (payable in instalments of €400 on each workshop module). There will also be variable but lesser fees for the Introduction course and the Foundation course.

Fee includes course materials, tuition and standard tutorial attendance, project assessment and examinations but exclude meals (except coffee breaks), travel and accommodation.

Applications  to be completed and returned to the address above.

Bookings / Enquiries

Should you require further information or if you would like to book a place on this course, please contact the above.


                       COMPONENTS OF DIPLOMA COURSES:



The Diploma is broken down into three major components:

  • 20 days (minimum) of classroom study, total no less than 160 hours.
  • Home study Theory in between modules, not less than 160 hours which is  continuously assessed through written assignments.
  • Case studies Practical with detailed client history, prognosis and treatment plans, not less than 50 clients and not less than 200 treatment hours.
The programme is one of continuous assessment. The student cannot move onto the next module until having satisfied all the requirements of the previous one.

After successful completion of the Diploma Programme there is a further 2 years of Supervised Continuous Professional Development (CPD), which must be completed.

First and Second year CPD requirements:

  • 3000 word essay on "My first /second year in professional Scenar practice – the successes and challenges”. 
25 CPD points
  • Documented quality Scenar study with an ICS Scenar teacher. 2 Day training course.
50 CPD points
  • Give a detailed explanation of your understanding of…  “The General Adaptive System“. (This question may change from time to time).
25 CPD points
Total 100 CPD points per year 


Programme Detail
The detailed programme can be found on   http://www.scenartherapyireland.com/  under The Irish College of Scenar.
In order to enrol on this professional programme and complete the course to Diploma standard, thus gaining the recognition of Registered Scenar Practitioners Society of Ireland (RSPSI) applicants must:
  • Be over 21 years of age.
  • Have fluent command of the English language
  • Join the SPSI; Submit two acceptable character references; and Submit proof of professional indemnity insurance.
  • Submit an acceptable qualification in Anatomy and Physiology (or proof of having enrolled on an acceptable course, which must be successfully completed before module 3).
  • Submit proof of training in First Aid/CPR prior to module 8
  • Suitability for enrolment and continuing participation on the programme is at the sole discretion of the Irish College of Scenar. Prospective students may be asked to attend for interview prior to acceptance.

*As the SCENAR is an electronic device, and for precautionary reasons:
 People with pacemakers cannot participate
Women who are pregnant, or become pregnant during the course, must postpone their training

Successful recipients may use the designation RSPSI.


Scenar Post RSPSI Certificate
After qualification, the Irish College of Scenar, in conjunction with the Scenar Practitioners Society of Ireland, offers two courses at Scenar Certificate level. These courses are run over three phases over three days each and participants can elect to do either programme or both programmes together.


Programme One:

  • Cosmetology. Beauty care, facial rejuvenation, skin and muscle toning.
  • Home User Scenar. Instruction and application for client use.



Programme Two:

  • Rista Diagnostics for energy analysis.
  • Body Work. Body palpating and softening in preperation for Scenar Therapy.

The Scenar Certificate can lead into the Master Practitioner Programme.

Scenar Master Practitioner Programme
Master-Practitioner status may be achieved by successfully completing the Scenar Practitioners Society of Ireland (SPSI) Course Requirements. This usually will require 3 x 3 Day SPSI training modules:
  • Module One:
Upgrading to the most recent Irish College of Scenar Training Standards.
  • Module Two:
Advanced techniques and Scenar treatments.
  • Module Three:
Integrated medicine and Scenar Theory and Application.
Additional post-graduation course attendances may be required.
Successful recipients may use the designation RSPSI-M.



Scenar Assistant Teacher Programme
Before being assessed for assistant teacher status the applicant must:
Have achieved Master Practitioner status RSPSI-M, or equivalent as determined by the Scenar Practitioners Society of Ireland.
Show evidence of having started an adequate Teachers Training Course which is acceptable to the Scenar Practitioners Society of Ireland.
Have commenced spending a minimum of 80 hours assisting a teacher (or higher) on Scenar Training Courses, (keeping records of content and hours) and have commenced 40 hours of tutorials with a Scenar Teacher (or higher) (keeping records of content and hours).
Agree to obey the constitution and code of Ethics of the SPSI with special regards to article 12.
Have begun to collect 50 case histories post RSPSI (Scenar Expert Level 3), which contain many variations of clients, of ailment, of techniques and of the numbers of treatments per course.
Write an essay of about 1000 words which describes "Why I wish to become an RSPSI-at, Scenar assistant teacher."
These requirements may be added to by the “Standards” Sub-Committee from time to time.
Successful recipients may use the designation RSPSI-at.

Scenar Teacher Programme
Eight weeks prior to being assessed for Teacher status, the applicant must:
  1. Have achieved Assistant Teacher status, RSPSI-at, or equivalent as determined by the Scenar practitioners Society of Ireland.
  2. Show evidence of having successfully completed an adequate Teacher training course, which is acceptable to the Scenar Practitioners Society of Ireland, and show evidence of their practical ability to prepare material and to teach to professional standards.
  3. Show letters of recommendation from 2 sponsors who must be recognised as being SCENAR Teachers or senior experienced SCENAR Practitioners.
  4. Show evidence of 80 hours assisting a Teacher (T) or Consultant (C) on SCENAR Training Courses and show record of:
    - 40 hours of tutorials with a SCENAR Teacher (T) or SCENAR Consultant (C)
    - 50 recent case histories containing many variations of clients, of ailments, of techniques, of the number of treatments per course.
    - 3 x 2 hour class plans (for advanced students)
  5. Type an in-depth essay on a relevant subject chosen by the assessment panel of between 1000 and 3000 words, to be submitted to the "Standards" for analysis not less than 8 weeks prior to the assessment date.
    Successful recipients may use the designation RSPSI-T

Other relevant Courses

From time to time the Irish College of Scenar, on behalf of the Scenar Practitioners Society of Ireland (SPSI), runs relevant programmes that are part of Continuous Professional Development (CPD). Notification of such courses will be published on the website.
These are open to all RSPSI grades and higher (or equivalent as determined by the SPSI).

All courses are run throughout the year. Please contact the Irish College of Scenar for the next start date of your intended Scenar Training Programme.

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